Aliyah A Jewish Family Saga


A Jewish Family Saga
By Harold Emanuel

Aliyah - A Jewish Family Saga explores the journey of Lazar Hermanski, a valiant sixteen-year-old, and his twelve-year-old brother, Mendel, who escape the 1881 Warsaw Christmas Day pogrom. Along with Daria Solov, a fourteen-year-old girl who later becomes Lazar’s wife, they emigrate to Manhattan’s Lower East Side. Lazar and Daria become the patriarch and matriarch of the family, while their children, Marvin and Nellie, born in America, embrace their new culture. They negotiate their Jewish heritage and the prospects of the New World, reflecting a universal immigrant experience. 

The Hermanski family’s saga extends beyond their own lives, intertwining with key historical events like the building of the Brooklyn Bridge, the 1899 Newsies strike, the General Slocum disaster, the Triangle Shirtwaist factory fire, and the sinking of the Lusitania. They cross paths with notable figures such as Teddy and Edith Roosevelt, Jack Johnson, Fiorello LaGuardia, Fanny Brice, and Al Smith, adding depth and historical accuracy to the narrative. 

A significant aspect of Aliyah - A Jewish Family Saga is the family’s struggle to maintain their Jewish traditions while integrating into the American society. This conflict between preserving their roots and adapting to a new homeland forms the core of the narrative. This book beautifully captures an era of change and opportunity, making it a compelling read for anyone interested in stories about immigration, cultural assimilation, and the enduring human spirit.