Today in History - June 15th, 1904 - General Slocum Disaster
Brooklyn Bridge Disaster
I have completed the manuscript of my historical novel Aliyah- A Jewish Family Saga. The novel follows the Hermanski family from their escape from an 1881 Warsaw pogrom through their settlement in late 19th and early 20ths century New York. Throughout the book the family interacts with historic people, places, and events. For example:
ChatGPT as a Writing Coach
Authors often hire writing coaches to help them polish their work before submitting it to an agent or publisher. I met one who came highly recommended who charges $300 to read and critique ten to twelve pages. That gets awfully expensive if you’re writing a two-hundred-and-fifty-page book. I found a better way to help get my book ready to submit, ChatGPT.
ChatGPT - The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly!
The artificial intelligence application ChatGPT has been all over the news lately. A judge chastised a lawyer who used ChatGPT to create a brief which contained non-existent case law. The Screen Writers’ Guild strike is due, in part, to their concern that studios would use ChatGPT to write and edit scripts. In this and future blog posts I will be exploring how authors can take advantage of this new and exciting technology.